Sangster International Airport – Phase One

Sangster International Airport – Phase One

Montego Bay Airport - Phase One EPC Contract for Roof Mounted Solar on main terminal building.

MBJ Airports Limited are the operators of the Sangster International Airport.  The airport is the leading tourism gateway to the island.  MBJ issued an international tender for 3 MW AC Solar PV EPC project in May 2019.

The system specification was a grid-tie, zero export system. The tender comprised of 1MW of roof mount and 2MW of Carport Solar. 

Derillion was the successful bidder and was awarded the contract under a 2 phase process in April 2020.  The phasing timelines were 1 MW Rooftop to be commissioned in 2021 and 2 MW Carport Solar to be commissioned in 2022.

Client: MBJ Airports Ltd
Location: Montego Bay, Jamaica
Peak Power: 1,013 kWp
Build Time: 28 Weeks
Panels: Longi 450Wp
Inverters: Kaco 92 kW
Mount Kit: Riverclack
Energized: 15th February 2021

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