
Cari-Med Ltd - Distribution Center Jamaica
CARI-MED - St Catherine

Cari-Med Group Limited is investing more than $6 billion in the development of a distribution centre in St. Catherine.

The 258,000-square-foot facility, which is being built on land along Salt Pond Road in Bernard Lodge, will house the warehouses and administrative offices of the entity’s Consumer Goods Division.

The first phase of the project, for which ground was broken on Wednesday (October 16), is slated for completion in December 2020.

Phase one of the 258,000 sq.ft. facility required 500kW of Solar PV.  The system specification was for a zero-export grid tied operation able to withstand category 5 wind speeds. 

The tender for this project was won by recently acquired REIL Energy limited. Phase one of the warehouse inclusive of the 500 kW system was completed and handed over in September 2022.

Client: Cari-Med Ltd
Location: St Catherine, Jamaica
Peak Power: 500 kWp
Build Time: 24 Weeks
Panels: JA Solar 340Wp
Inverters: SMA CORE1 50kW
Mount Kit: ———-
Energized: September 2022

Innovation, Quality And Continuous Improvement

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